VIDT DAO Crypto Coin Rank 864
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842,320,913 VIDT
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VIDT DAO price in US dollars is currently
USD, and if converted to
Bitcoin is
BTC. A total of
842,320,913 VIDT are currently circulating in the Market. VIDT DAO price is currently experiencing a change of
6.51 %, and check here
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0.036 M US dollars VIDT DAO have been traded on
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Total Coins Mined
842,320,913 VIDT
ICO Status
Security Audit Company
ICO Legal Form
ICO Jurisdiction
V-ID is a platform that is aimed at ending document fraud, It allows users and organizations to submit their files, where they are then matched with an ID and assigned a verified status. V-ID claims to be impossible to alter the file without losing the verification. Making it a secure and reliable way to fraud-proof your documentation.
VIDT is an ERC20 compliant token on the Ethereum network.
V-ID will be holding its ICO. The ICO token supply represents 62% of the total token supply, so there will be a total of 62,000,000
tokens available, during the offering.
Token Reserve Split (38%):
- 25 % Validation;
- 3% Team;
- 8% Bounty & Airdrop;
- 2% Advisors;
The V-ID ICO will feature a bonus and a bounty, and the token will not be mineable.