2023-12-25 13:30:28

8 Best Books To Read On Blockchains And Cryptocurrencies

Unless you are new to the cryptosphere, you must have heard about blockchains and cryptocurrencies.

  1. Blockchain Revolution

    In this revelatory book, Don Tapscott, the bestselling author of Wikinomics, and his son, blockchain expert Alex Tapscott, bring us a brilliantly researched, highly readable, and essential book about the technology driving the future of the economy. 

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  2. The Basics of Bitcoins and Blockchains

    There’s a lot written on cryptocurrency and blockchains. But, for the uninitiated, most of this information can be indecipherable. The Basics of Bitcoins and Blockchains provides a clear guide to this new currency and the revolutionary technology that powers it.

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  3. Hodling- A Bitcoin Wallet Handbook

    This book will give you valuable insights on what Bitcoin is, how it works, what are the different types of bitcoin wallets and what it offers to a layman like you and me.

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Well, if you haven’t, ‘blockchains’ and ‘cryptocurrencies’ are the new buzzwords, something the world is talking about.

The ‘blockchain‘ is the technology over which ‘cryptocurrencies’ are built. This technology is fairly new – 9 years since it was born.

It started with application currencies like Bitcoin and Litecoin, but with time, the combined technology of crypto and blockchain has carved a niche for itself.

Although such technologies are still not widely accepted in the present scenario, the days when they will inevitably be a part of our daily lives are not too far.

Therefore, if you want to remain a step ahead of others in learning about these new technological advancements, here are some Bitcoin, Blockchain and cryptocurrency related books that I suggest you read.

Best Blockchain & Cryptocurrency Books

1. Hodling- A Bitcoin Wallet Handbook

This book covers all the aspect of Bitcoin and securing Bitcoin using wallets. br />

News appeared first on: Coinsutra.com

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